Contract Reference
Factory Source

CrowdFi V1 Factory Source

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/Clones.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "./CrowdFinancingV1.sol";
 * @title Fabric CrowdFinancing Factory Contract
 * @author Fabric Inc.
 * @dev A factory which leverages Clones to deploy Fabric CrowdFinancing contracts
contract CrowdFinancingV1Factory is Ownable {
    modifier feeRequired() {
        require(msg.value >= _feeDeployMin, "Insufficient ETH to deploy");
    /// @dev Emitted upon a successful Campaign deployment
    event Deployment(address indexed deployment);
    /// @dev Emitted when the fee collector or schedule changes
    event FeeScheduleChange(address feeCollector, uint16 upfrontBips, uint16 payoutBips);
    /// @dev Emitted when the creation fee minium changes
    event DeployFeeChange(uint256 fee);
    /// @dev Emitted when the deploy fees are collected by the owner
    event DeployFeeTransfer(address indexed recipient, uint256 fee);
    /// @dev The campaign contract implementation address
    address immutable _implementation;
    /// @dev The fee collector address (can be 0, no fees are collected)
    address private _feeCollector;
    /// @dev The transfer fee (See CrowdFinancingV1)
    uint16 private _feeTransferBips;
    /// @dev The yield fee (See CrowdFinancingV1)
    uint16 private _feeYieldBips;
    /// @dev Fee to collect upon deployment
    uint256 private _feeDeployMin;
     * @param implementation the CrowdFinancingV1 implementation address
    constructor(address implementation) Ownable() {
        _implementation = implementation;
        _feeCollector = address(0);
        _feeTransferBips = 0;
        _feeYieldBips = 0;
        _feeDeployMin = 0;
     * @dev Deploys a new CrowdFinancingV1 contract
     * @param recipient the address of the recipient, to which funds can be transferred after success
     * @param minGoal the minimum funding amount acceptable for a successful campaign
     * @param maxGoal the maximum funding amount accepted for the financing round
     * @param minContribution the minimum initial contribution an account can make
     * @param maxContribution the maximum contribution an account can make
     * @param holdOff the number of seconds to wait until the campaign starts
     * @param duration the runtime of the campaign, in seconds
     * @param erc20TokenAddr the address of the ERC20 token used for payments, or the 0 address for native token
     * @return the address of the deployed CrowdFinancingV1 contract
    function deployCampaign(
        address recipient,
        uint256 minGoal,
        uint256 maxGoal,
        uint256 minContribution,
        uint256 maxContribution,
        uint32 holdOff,
        uint32 duration,
        address erc20TokenAddr
    ) external payable feeRequired returns (address) {
        address deployment = Clones.clone(_implementation);
        uint256 startTimestamp = block.timestamp + holdOff;
        uint256 endTimestamp = startTimestamp + duration;
        emit Deployment(deployment);
        return deployment;
     * @dev Owner Only: Transfer accumulated fees
    function transferDeployFees(address recipient) external onlyOwner {
        uint256 amount = address(this).balance;
        require(amount > 0, "No fees to collect");
        emit DeployFeeTransfer(recipient, amount);
        (bool sent,) = payable(recipient).call{value: amount}("");
        require(sent, "Failed to transfer Ether");
     * @dev Owner Only: Update the fee schedule for future deployments
     * @param feeCollector the address of the fee collector, or the 0 address if no fees are collected
     * @param feeTransferBips the upfront fee in basis points, calculated during processing
     * @param feeYieldBips the payout fee in basis points. Dilutes the cap table for fee collection
    function updateFeeSchedule(address feeCollector, uint16 feeTransferBips, uint16 feeYieldBips) external onlyOwner {
        _feeCollector = feeCollector;
        _feeTransferBips = feeTransferBips;
        _feeYieldBips = feeYieldBips;
        emit FeeScheduleChange(feeCollector, feeTransferBips, feeYieldBips);
     * @dev Owner Only: Update the deploy fee.
     * @param minFeeAmount the amount of wei required to deploy a campaign
    function updateMinimumDeployFee(uint256 minFeeAmount) external onlyOwner {
        _feeDeployMin = minFeeAmount;
        emit DeployFeeChange(minFeeAmount);
     * @dev Fetch the fee schedule for campaigns and the deploy fee
     * @return collector the address of the fee collector, or the 0 address if no fees are collected
     * @return transferFee the upfront fee in basis points, calculated during transfer
     * @return yieldFee the payout fee in basis points. Dilutes the cap table for fee collection
     * @return deployFee the amount of wei required to deploy a campaign
    function feeSchedule()
        returns (address collector, uint16 transferFee, uint16 yieldFee, uint256 deployFee)
        return (_feeCollector, _feeTransferBips, _feeYieldBips, _feeDeployMin);