Card Payments
Empower members to transact onchain with card and automate your membership via recurring payments.
To get started, go to the Settings tab of your Dashboard and click the Connect Stripe button.
Paying with card on Hypersub is different than paying with crypto. The distinctions:
- Cards use a completely separate payment system from crypto
- Card prices and crypto prices are unrelated and specified separately. Example: creators can set a card price of $9.99 USD and crypto price of $8 USDC
- Card payments renew automatically, on a weekly/monthly/yearly recurring basis
- Members paying with card are not eligible for Rewards (opens in a new tab)
- Card members can receive referral rewards (opens in a new tab)
- Pay outs are in fiat and occur through your Stripe dashboard
- Refunds on card payments are processed through your Stripe dashboard
Card payments on Hypersub use Stripe Connect, which requires identity verification.
Many factors determine how extensive the verification process can be. Hypersub has no control over this process and can not impact the outcome, or advocate on your behalf. You may need to revisit your dashboard settings multiple times depending on Stripe's requests.
Once Stripe setup is complete you can enable card payments. Go to the Settings tab of your Hypersub Dashboard. Click the Enable button, confirm and sign the transaction.
To set card payment prices click the Update tier pricing button. Important: you must set prices before accepting card payments. Compare crypto prices, enter card prices, and confirm.
- Card prices must be at least $1.00 USD
- Card prices cannot exceed $10,000 USD
- Creators can only increase the price by 50% per year, once members are active
- Hypersub takes a 5% fee on all card transactions
Card prices can be changed any time. Go to the Settings tab of your Hypersub Dashboard and click the Update tier pricing button. Enter your new prices and confirm.
Members are notified each time you change card pricing and are given the option to cancel their membership.
Card members will still need a connected wallet. Card payments are simply an additional way to pay. Important: membership benefits enabled by your membership token will not be effected by members paying with card.
Members will have a slightly different experience with card payments:
- They must enter card details into the payment form
- Their card is charged for the membership
- Hypersub issues your membership token to the connected account
- Time is granted to the token
- Steps 2 and 4 repeat on a recurring basis until canceled
Members can cancel any time in settings (opens in a new tab).
Members who have already paid with crypto, and then join with a card, will be charged immediately. The balance of time on their membership token is additive. Example: if you purchase 6 months with crypto and then decide to pay with a card, your card will be billed for 1 additional month, for a total balance of 7 months.
With Stripe Connect the creator is the merchant, not Hypersub. Creators are responsible for chargebacks. A chargeback occurs when a member questions your payment with their card. Here's what happens:
- A formal dispute is created on the card network
- The payment is immediately reversed, covered by Stripe
- Stripe then charges you for the payment amount and dispute fee
- If your Stripe balance is zero, you are still responsible for returning funds
Chargebacks have a dispute process. If you can provide evidence of delivery, then you may win the dispute. There is a 6 month window in which chargebacks can be initiated. Learn more about chargebacks (opens in a new tab).
Refunds on card payments are in fiat, and processed through Stripe. To get started with card refunds log in to your Stripe dashboard.
- Refunded card members still hold their membership token, including all remaining time
- Refunded card members must be kicked (opens in a new tab) on Hypersub to remove their remaining time
- Kicking a card member on Hypersub will issue a refund through Stripe automatically
Disable Payments
Card payments can be disabled at any time. Warning: disabling card payments will cancel all active memberships purchased with card.
- Go to the Settings tab of your Hypersub Dashboard
- Click the Disable button, confirm and sign the transaction