Creators on Hypersub can share upside with members through Rewards. The larger a membership grows, the more revenue goes into the reward pool, the more members get paid.
View your rewards from anywhere, if you have money to you claim the total is shown in the rewards button.
To claim your rewards click the rewards button. From the rewards page (opens in a new tab) click the Claim button and sign. Have a wonderful rest of your day 🌈
#q## Membership
View your all time rewards totals in the Membership table below. Claim rewards from legacy memberships individiually by clicking the total button on each membership.
Ongoing Curves
Issue rewards to members no matter when they join your membership.
- Go to your Hypersub membership profile and open Details
- Click Subscription contract to open BaseScan, then click the Contract tab
- Click the Write Contract as Proxy tab, then click the Connect to Web3 button and sign the transaction
- Click 3. createRewardCurve
Enter these input values into the createRewardCurve form:
- numPeriods: 0
- formulaBase: 1
- periodSeconds: 2592000
- startTimestamp: 0
- minMultiplier: 8
Important: for periodSeconds, 2592000 is the correct value for monthly memberships. Do not use commas for this value. For other membership periods enter these values:
- Daily: 86400
- Weekly: 604800
- Quarterly: 7862400
- Yearly: 31536000
Once you have your values entered, click the Write button and sign the transaction.
Important: if this is your first time creating a new Reward Curve, your rewardCurveId will be 1. This number will be used when assigning a Curve to a Tier.
For each following curve you create, the id will count upwards (1, 2, 3…). Keep track of your Curves in a note if you plan on creating multiple. Your default Curve id is 0.
Tier Details
To assign your new Reward Curve to a Tier you will need to get your Tier Details.
- Go to your Hypersub membership profile and open Details
- Click Subscription contract to open BaseScan, then click the Contract tab
- Click the Read Contract as Proxy tab, then click 19. tierDetail
- Enter your tierId, then click the Query button
- Save your tier details starting after tuple: in a note
Important: in your note, delete the first integer (18 in example below) in the string after tuple:, it represents the member count and is not necessary for assigning your Curve:
tuple : 18,1,2592000,4294967295,0,0,0,0,1000,false,true,0,1000000000000000,0,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0,0
Assign Curve
To assign your new Reward Curve you will need to update your Tier, including each of its other parameters. Warning: entering values that are different from your Tier Details will alter your Tier parameters.
- Go to your Hypersub membership profile and open Details
- Click Subscription contract to open BaseScan, then click the Contract tab
- Click the Write Contract as Proxy tab, then click the Connect to Web3 button and sign the transaction
- Click 32. updateTier
Important: enter your saved Tier Detail values into the updateTier form, mapping details to form inputs left to right, top to bottom, with the exception of your new Reward Curve id.
Example: enter your Tier Details into the updateTier form:
- tierId: 1
- periodDurationSeconds: 2592000
- maxSupply: 4294967295
- maxCommitmentSeconds: 0
- startTimestamp: 0
- endTimestamp: 0
- rewardCurveId: 1
- rewardBasisPoints: 1000
- paused: false
- transferrable: true
- initialMintPrice: 0
- pricePerPeriod: "1000000000000000"
- gate: [0,"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",0,0]
Once you have your values entered, click the Write button and sign the transaction.
- Set your rewardCurveId to the one you wish to assign
- The pricePerPeriod value must be entered within "quotations"
- The last 4 values must be combined within [square brackets]. The long value must also be entered within "quotations"