Subscriber Rewards
Creators on Hypersub can share upside with subscribers through rewards. The larger a subscription grows, the more revenue goes into the reward pool, the more subscribers get paid.
To withdraw your rewards visit a subscription page you are subscribed to. Click the rewards tab, find your name in the subscriber table, and click the Claim rewards button. Confirm and sign the transaction.
You must have an active subscription to access your rewards. If your subscription has expired, resubscribe to withdraw.
Set Rewards
Rewards enable you to share revenue, which pays money into the rewards pool. The percentage you choose is how much revenue goes into the pool. The percentage amount can be changed.
To get started, go to your subscription page and click Edit.
Set Percentage
Enable subscriber rewards by switching it on. Select a precentage from presets or set a custom amount. For custom percentages enter the amount and click the check button to save.
Disable subscriber rewards by switching it off. This stops revenue from entering the rewards pool. What money remains in the rewards pool is able to be withdrawn by subscribers.
Curves determine how subscribers receive rewards shares, which pays money out of the rewards pool. The more shares a subscriber has, the more of the reward pool they own, the more they get paid.
To get started, go to your dashboard and click the Rewards tab.
Click the Create button and enter the title of your curve. Select either Early or Constant subscriber rewards.
Early rewards curves get smaller each month, meaning early subscribers receive more rewards shares than late subscribers. Click the slider to select your curve length. Important: subscribers who join after the curve length is finished do not receive shares.
Constant rewards curves are flat, meaning your subscribers will always receive rewards. Use the slider to select your shares to revenue ratio.
Confirm to open your wallet and sign the transaction.
Further customize your curve with advanced options. Create a curve and click the Advanced tab. Configure the four factors governing curves:
Period duration is the amount of time between each reward reduction. Click the period button to select either weeks, months, quarters or years.
Number of periods defines the curve length. Enter the amount of periods your curve will last. Important: subscribers who join after the curve length do not receive shares.
Reduction multiplier is how much shares reduce over time. Enter the amount your shares will reduce each period. Higher multipliers create steeper curves, further benefiting earlier subscribers.
Minimum multiplier guarantees rewards to subscribers, no matter when they join. Enter the minimum amount your shares will reduce down to. When all periods have passed your curve will become flat, constantly issuing shares to subscribers.