
Deploying a Subscription Contract

Subscription contracts are deployed by invoking the deploySubscription function on the factory contract for a given network. The function uses EIP-1167 to create a proxy then initializes the contract with supplied parameters.

Deploy Parameters

Deployment involves configuring ERC721 metadata, a default tier (tier 1), reward settings, and curve 0 settings.

struct DeployParams {
    /// @dev the client fee basis points
    uint16 clientFeeBps;
    /// @dev the client fee recipient
    address clientFeeRecipient;
    /// @dev An identifer to help track deployments via Deploy event. This should only be used in
    ///      conjunction with the expected owner account to prevent impersonation via front or back running.
    bytes deployKey;
    /// @dev the init parameters for the collection
    InitParams initParams;
    /// @dev the init parameters for the default tier (tier 1)
    Tier tierParams;
    /// @dev the reward parameters for the collection
    RewardParams rewardParams;
    /// @dev Initial reward curve params (curve 0)
    CurveParams curveParams;

Native Token vs ERC-20

Subscription contracts support native tokens as well as ERC20 tokens. When minting occurs, the denominated token will be used to purchase time.


Subscription contracts do not support rebasing tokens! Do not use them as the denominated token.


Subscription contracts support fee taking tokens. The number of tokens transferred on mint will factor in the fee.

Immutable Parameters

Some parameters cannot change after deployment. Ensure these are set correctly before deploying.

Determined by Client

  • clientFeeBps
  • clientReferralShareBps

Determined by Creator

  • initParams.symbol
  • initParams.currencyAddress
  • rewardParams.slashGracePeriod
  • rewardParams.slashable

Factory Addresses

Base0xd79A71657a45F713817cB5366053a7629AF8Fe74 (opens in a new tab)
Sepolia0x0e1869D738E67fE83323013F2C5e44DF1b788E35 (opens in a new tab)


Deploying occurs via the factory contract. The factory contracts are configured in the SDK for all supported networks.

import {
  DeployParams, prepareDeployment
} from '@withfabric/protocol-sdks/stpv2';
const params: DeployParams = {
  clientFeeBps: 100, // 1% of ingress tokens go to the clientFeeRecipient
  clientReferralShareBps: 0, // The number of basis points to share with referrers when no referral code is used
  clientFeeRecipient: '0x0', // The client fee recipient
  deployKey: "0xbeef", // A unique identifier for the deployment (emitted as an event for indexers)
  initParams: {
    name: 'Test Sub', // The name of the subscription
    symbol: 'FUN', // The symbol of the subscription
    contractUri: '', // The URI for the contract metadata (/${tokenId} is appended for tokenURI)
    owner: zeroAddress, // The owner of the contract (if 0x0 at deploy, it will be set to msg.sender)
    currencyAddress: zeroAddress, // The address of the ERC20 token to use for minting (0x0 for native token, ETH)
    globalSupplyCap: 200n, // The maximum number of tokens that can be minted over all tiers
  rewardParams: {
    slashGracePeriod: 3600, // The number of seconds to extend a subscription by for slashing
    slashable: false, // Whether rewards are slashable
  curveParams: {
    numPeriods: 20, // The number of periods in the curve
    formulaBase: 2, // The base of the formula (2 ^ N periods)
    periodSeconds: 3600, // The number of seconds in a period
    startTimestamp: 0, // The start timestamp for the curve
    minMultiplier: 1, // The minimum multiplier for the curve (0 means no new distribution after the curve ends)
  tierParams: {
    periodDurationSeconds: 3600, // The number of seconds in a period
    maxSupply: 10, // The maximum number of tokens that can be minted in this tier
    maxCommitmentSeconds: 7200, // The maximum number of seconds a commitment can be made for
    startTimestamp: 0, // The start timestamp for the tier
    endTimestamp: 0, // The end timestamp for the tier
    paused: false, // Whether the tier is paused
    transferrable: true, // Whether tokens are transferrable (soulbound)
    initialMintPrice: 10000000000000n, // The initial mint price for the tier (cost to join)
    pricePerPeriod: 1000000000n, // The price per period for the tier
    rewardCurveId: 0, // The reward curve ID for the tier (for reward distribution)
    rewardBasisPoints: 500, // The reward basis points for the tier (revshare with pool)
    gate: {
      gateType: 0, // The gate type (0 = none, 1 = ERC20, 2 = ERC721, 3 = 1155, 4 = STPv2)
      contractAddress: zeroAddress, // The address of the gate contract
      componentId: 0n, // The component ID for the gate (for 1155 or STPv2 [tier id])
      balanceMin: 0n // The minimum balance required to pass the gate
// Prepare/simulate the deployment and return an async function that can be used to execute it
const deploy = await prepareDeployment(params);
// Execute the transaction
const { receipt, contractAddress } = await deploy();