Privileged Roles

Privileged Roles

There are several roles in the STP contract. Each role has different permissions. Owners can grant specific roles to other accounts to delegate responsibilities. This is helpful when the owner is a DAO or multisig.

  • Owner
  • Manager
  • Agent
  • Issuer
  • Protocol Fee Recipient
  • Client Fee Recipient

Owner Role

The owner is set to the creator (msg.sender) address upon deployment, unless otherwise specified. The owner has complete control over the contract. The exclusive controls of the owner are as follows:

  • Creating or revoking Managers and Agents setRoles
  • Transferring ownership setPendingOwner
  • Updating the Transfer Recipient setTransferRecipient
  • Withdrawing funds to any address other than the transfer recipient tranferFunds
  • Refunding subscribers with contract funds refund
  • Token recovery recoverCurrency

Manager Role

Managers can control nearly all metadata in the contract. Managers can do the following:

  • Grant Time grantTime
  • Revoke Time revokeTime
  • Update Metadata URL setMetadataURL
  • Set Global Supply Cap setGlobalSupplyCap
  • Create Tiers createTier
  • Update Tiers updateTier
  • Manage Referral Codes setReferralCode
  • Create Reward Curves createRewardCurve

Agent Role

Agents are designed to grant and revoke time to subscribers. Agents can do the following:

  • Grant Time grantTime
  • Revoke Time revokeTime

Issuer Role

Issuers are intended to allow reward pool share issuance for off-chain or on-chain activities beyond minting subscriptions. Privileges:

  • Issue Reward Shares issueRewardShares

Protocol Fee Recipient

The protocol fee recipient is the address that receives the protocol fee. The protocol fee is a percentage of the subscription price. The protocol fee recipient can do the following:

  • Update the protocol fee recipient updateProtocolFeeRecipient
  • Remove protocol fees updateProtocolFeeRecipient(0x0)

updateProtocolFeeRecipient must be invoked via the factory contract updateProtocolFeeRecipient, which supports multicall

Client Fee Recipient

The client fee recipient is the address that receives the client fee. The client fee is a percentage of the subscription price. The client fee recipient can do the following:

  • Update the client fee recipient updateClientFeeRecipient
  • Remove client fees updateClientFeeRecipient(0x0)

updateClientFeeRecipient must be invoked via the factory contract updateClientFeeRecipient, which supports multicall

Setting Roles


Only the contract owner can grant and revoke roles

Roles can be set using the setRoles function. The roles are represented as a bitmask. The following roles are available:

  • ROLE_AGENT = 2
import {
} from '@withfabric/protocol-sdks/stpv2';
// Add MANAGER and ISSUER roles to the account
const grant = await prepareSetRoles({
  contractAddress: `0x...`,
  account: `0x...`,
  roles: [Role.MANAGER, Role.ISSUER],
const receipt = await grant();
// Revoke
const revoke = await prepareSetRoles({
  contractAddress: `0x...`,
  account: `0x...`,
  roles: [],
const receipt2 = await revoke();

Factory Owner

The factory owner is the owner of the factory contract. The factory owner can do the following:

  • Initiate ownership transfer setPendingOwner
  • Set the protocol fee recipient setProtocolFeeRecipient
  • Set a deploy fee setDeployFee