V1 Docs


While Fabric takes security very seriously, it is important to understand that smart contracts still carry risk. The types of risks include:

  1. Smart contract bugs
  2. Compiler bugs
  3. Network level bugs
  4. Human risk

Smart Contract Bugs

Fabric has all contracts audited by reputable firms to minimize the risk of contract bugs or vulnerabilities. The contracts are non-upgradeable, so once deployed, they cannot be changed. This means that if a bug is found, the contract will need to be replaced and subscribers will need to migrate. While we don't expect this to happen, we cannot guarantee that it won't.

Fabric believes non-upgradable contracts reduce human risk, as they remove the ability for the team, and any external force who might compel them, to make changes post-deployment.

Fabric makes source code easily accessible and publishes all audits.

Compiler Bugs

Fabric doesn't build compilers or languages targetting the EVM and depends on solidity. If solidity were to have a bug, it could impact deployed contracts.

Network Level Bugs

In the event that all EVM implementations were to exhibit a flaw, it could impact deployed contracts. This is very unlikely but a risk that is inherent to smart contracts.

Human Risk

Subscription tokens connect creators with fans or customers, and the protocol cannot enforce their behavior or actions. This means that creators could choose to not deliver on their promises. If this happens, the dispute is between the creator and the subscriber. Fabric cannot enforce the creator to deliver on their promises, issue refunds, etc.