
Minting Subscriptions

Minting a subscription purchases time with tokens. The amount of time purchased depends on a tiers periodDurationSeconds, pricePerPeriod, and the amount of tokens transfered upon minting. The minimum purchase is pricePerPeriod + initialMintPrice (which can be 0).

Upon minting, the target account is assigned an NFT and several variables representing subscription state. If the account already has an NFT, the subscriptions expiration date is extended by the amount of time purchased.

Mint Advanced

Mint advanced allows minting with a specific tier and account, along with referral details.

import {
} from '@withfabric/protocol-sdks/stpv2';
// Note: Referrer can be set by the client, or by the user
// Note: Tier ID is required (but 0 will default to tier 1 if the subscription is new)
// Note: The amount can be calculated by the client based on the tier and number of periods desired
const mint = await prepareMintAdvanced({
  contractAddress: '0x...',
  referralCode: 0n,
  referrer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  tierId: 0,
  recipient: '0xae2Fc483527B8EF99EB5D9B44875F005ba1FaE13',
  amount: 1_000_000_000_000n,
const receipt = await mint();

Simple Mint / Renew

The most basic minting operation is to simply mint or renew a subscription by calling mint. This will mint a new NFT if the account doesn't already have one or extend the expiration of the existing NFT. This call will default the subscription to tier 1 for new mints, and renew on the holders existing tier if renewing.

import {
} from '@withfabric/protocol-sdks/stpv2';
const mint = await prepareMint({
  contractAddress: '0x...',
  amount: 100_000n,
const receipt = await mint();

Minting with ERC20 Tokens

Minting will revert on preparation if the balance is too low, or an ERC20 approval isn't sufficient. Driving the user to approve tokens before mint will ensure a smooth experience.

Note: The code below doesn't factor in UX logic and flows. It's a procedural example of the steps required to mint a ERC20 denominated subscription.

import {
} from '@withfabric/protocol-sdks/stpv2';
import {
} from '@withfabricxyz/protocol-sdks/erc20';
const contractAddress = '0x...';
const account = '0x...';
const context = await fetchContext({
const tier = await tierDetail({
  tierId: 1,
// Minimum purchase price for this tier
const amount = tier.params.pricePerPeriod;
if( < amount) {
  throw new Error('Insufficient balance');
// Approve if necessary (holdings approved = balance for native tokens such as ether)
if( < amount) {
  const approve = await prepareTokenApproval({
    address: context.currency,
    spender: contractAddress,
  await approve();
// Now we can mint
const mint = await prepareMint({
  erc20: true,
const receipt = await mint();

Sponsored Minting

The mintFor function allows any caller to mint or renew a subscription for another account.

Note: For ERC20, the caller must have an approved balance for the amount of tokens to be transfered. See the example above.

import {
} from '@withfabric/protocol-sdks/stpv2';
const mint = await prepareMintFor({
  contractAddress: '0x...',
  amount: 1_000_000_000n,
  account: '0x...', // <-- Receives the nft, rewards, time, etc
const receipt = await mint();