Reading State

Reading State

Contract state can be gathered via multicall or by calling individual functions. The SDK provides some convenience functions for fetching state.


The contractDetail function returns a subset of the contract state and configuration. The response payload is the following struct:

struct ContractView {
    /// @dev The number of tiers
    uint16 tierCount;
    /// @dev The number of subscriptions
    uint64 subCount;
    /// @dev The global supply cap
    uint64 supplyCap;
    /// @dev The transfer recipient address (0x0 for none)
    address transferRecipient;
    /// @dev The token address or 0x0 for ETH
    address currency;
    /// @dev The creator balance
    uint256 creatorBalance;
    /// @dev The total reward curves
    uint8 numCurves;
    /// @dev The number of issued shares
    uint256 rewardShares;
    /// @dev The current reward balance
    uint256 rewardBalance;
    /// @dev The reward slash grace period
    uint32 rewardSlashGracePeriod;
    /// @dev whether the pool is slashable
    bool rewardSlashable;

subscriptionOf(address account)

The subscriptionOf function returns the subscription state for a given account. The response payload is the following struct:

struct SubscriberView {
    /// @dev The tier id of the subscription
    uint16 tierId;
    /// @dev The tokenId for the subscription
    uint64 tokenId;
    /// @dev The expiration timestamp of the subscription
    uint48 expiresAt;
    /// @dev The number of reward shares held
    uint256 rewardShares;
    /// @dev The claimable reward balance
    uint256 rewardBalance;

tierDetail(uint16 tierId)

The tierDetail function returns the tier state for a given tier. The response payload is the following struct:

struct State {
    /// @dev The number of subscriptions in this tier
    uint32 subCount;
    /// @dev The id of the tier
    uint16 id;
    /// @dev The parameters for the tier
    Tier params;
struct Tier {
    /// @dev The minimimum subscription time for the tier
    uint32 periodDurationSeconds;
    /// @dev The maximum number of subscribers the tier can have (0 = unlimited)
    uint32 maxSupply;
    /// @dev The maximum number of future seconds a subscriber can hold (0 = unlimited)
    uint48 maxCommitmentSeconds;
    /// @dev The start timestamp for the tier (0 for deploy block time)
    uint48 startTimestamp;
    /// @dev The end timestamp for the tier (0 for never)
    uint48 endTimestamp;
    /// @dev The reward curve id to use
    uint8 rewardCurveId;
    /// @dev The reward bps
    uint16 rewardBasisPoints;
    /// @dev Whether the tier is paused (can subs mint or renew?)
    bool paused;
    /// @dev A flag to indicate if tokens can be transferred
    bool transferrable;
    /// @dev The initial mint price to join the tier
    uint256 initialMintPrice;
    /// @dev The price per period to renew the subscription (can be 0 for pay what you want tiers)
    uint256 pricePerPeriod;
    /// @dev The gate to use to check for subscription eligibility
    Gate gate;
struct Gate {
    /// @dev The type of gate to use
    GateType gateType;
    /// @dev The address of the gate contract
    address contractAddress;
    /// @dev The id of the component to check for eligibility (for 1155 its the token id, for STP its the tier id)
    uint256 componentId;
    /// @dev The minimum balance required to join the tier
    uint256 balanceMin;
enum GateType {
    NONE, // 0
    ERC20, // 1
    ERC721, // 2
    ERC1155, // 3
    STPV2 // 4

curveDetail(uint8 curveId)

The curveDetail function returns the curve config for a given curve. The response payload is the following struct:

struct CurveParams {
    /// @dev the number of periods for which rewards are paid (acts as the exponent)
    uint8 numPeriods;
    /// @dev The base of the exponential formula for reward calculations
    uint8 formulaBase;
    /// @dev the period duration in seconds
    uint48 periodSeconds;
    /// @dev the start timestamp for rewards
    uint48 startTimestamp;
    /// @dev the minimum multiplier for rewards
    uint8 minMultiplier;


The feeDetail function returns the fee configuration for the contract. The response payload is the following struct:

struct FeeParams {
    /// @dev the protocol fee recipient
    address protocolRecipient;
    /// @dev the protocol fee in basis points
    uint16 protocolBps;
    /// @dev the client fee recipient
    address clientRecipient;
    /// @dev the client fee in basis points
    uint16 clientBps;

ERC721 Functions

  • name() - Returns the name of the contract
  • symbol() - Returns the symbol of the contract
  • contractURI() - The contract level metadata URI
  • tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) - Returns the token URI for a given token ID
  • balanceOf(address account) - Returns the balance of a given account (seconds remaining)
  • ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) - Returns the owner of a given token ID
  • getApproved(uint256 tokenId) - Returns the approved address for a given token ID
  • isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) - Returns if an operator is approved for a given owner

AccessControl Functions

  • owner() - The owner of the contract
  • pendingOwner() - The pending owner of the contract (for ownership acceptance)

SDK Usage

import {
} from '@withfabric/protocol-sdks/stpv2';
// Fetches contract state along with tiers and curves
const state = await fetchState({
  contractAddress: '0x...',
  chainId: 8453,