

Drops are the primary means by which creators on Hypersub deliver value to their subscribers. Learn how to create a drop along with a few tips for getting the most out of this feature.

To get started, you'll need to create an external mint page.

Mint Page

Drops deliver NFTs directly to your subscribers from a mint page. This page is where the NFTs originate from.

There are a variety of sites to choose from; Zora (opens in a new tab), Pods (opens in a new tab), Sound (opens in a new tab), Manifold (opens in a new tab), or Highlight (opens in a new tab) are most commonly used by creators. Explore your options and select one that best suits your subscription.

Choose a site and create a mint page for your NFT. Important: make sure you use your Hypersub address when creating your NFT. For example, if you use alice.eth for your Hypersub, use alice.eth to create your NFT.

Once complete, visit your new mint page and copy the url. Return to Hypersub to create your drop.


From your subscription page, click the Drops tab, then click Create. Enter the URL of your mint page, which populates the rest of the form with the Open Graph (opens in a new tab) metadata. You can upload a new image or edit the text.

This information appears publicly on the Drops page of your Hypersub and on your subscriber's profile pages. Click the Create button to complete the drop and notify subscribers.


Automatically send NFTs directly to each of your subscribers. When a drop is completed you'll be prompted to airdrop the NFTs from your mint page.

Confirm to open your wallet and sign the transaction. Airdrops require no action from subscribers to receive their NFTs.

Airdrop is only supported for Zora (opens in a new tab), Pods (opens in a new tab), and Sound (opens in a new tab).

Alternative Uses

Drops are versatile and are not exclusive to NFTs. Here are some examples of how you can use drops without a mint page:

  • Make an update to your subscribers
  • Link to token-gated communities
  • Present freelance work
  • Announce members only events
  • Promote new application features